Cathartic! I approve!

There are myriad occasions when I daydream such punishments for all the monsters in the world.

For a moment I thought you were going to go a bit 'Saw' on the guy and he'd have to saw off his own feet with the knife, but that wouldn't have worked in retrospect, because of the obvious reference.

I love the Bo and Arrow pun. Brilliant!

The top photo's great too.

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I'm glad you liked it! The idea of an assassin rooster has been bouncing around in my mind for a few decades, and I finally worked up enough courage to let it out (that, and the idea of hiding bodies in the compost pile, but that will have to wait for another story). Roosters can be vicious little brutes, especially when they see blood. I tried to show a bit a restraint with the violence... I don't like it. I figured that Cock Robin was headed into his own personal hell anyway, plus I didn't want to turn Mrs. Sparrow into a felon.

Scooter's prompts got the thing rolling, and once I started writing, "Who killed Cock Robin" started playing in my head. I forget their original names, but Robert and Mrs. Sparrow were rechristened to fit the nursery rhyme. She originally used a knife and a rooster named Jack in the rough draft, but switching in an arrow and renaming him Bo worked out nicely.

I love the photo, too, but can't take credit for it. It's a stock photo provided by Unsplash through Substack. Arib Neko photographed that fine looking beastie. 🐓

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Jeannine, this is brilliant. Loved it. Beautiful slow build up

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Thank you, I'm glad you liked it,

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